
Download Synology Drive for Mac

Synology Drive. Version 5.1.4. Private cloud for sharing, synchronizing, and managing files.

DS file

*You must own a Synology NAS to run this app, and be running DSM 6.2 on your Synology NAS to get the complete set of features* DS file is ideal to manage ...

DS file 5.18.0 Free Download

DS file is ideal to manage files stored on your DiskStation, upload or download between the NAS and the iDevice itself, or do basic editing tasks. And always ...

DS file on the App Store

DS file is ideal to manage files stored on your DiskStation, upload or download between the NAS and the iDevice itself, or do basic editing tasks. And always ...


In the Apple macOS operating system, .DS_Store is a file that stores custom attributes of its containing folder, such as folder view options, icon positions ...

Store files from a Mac computer within the local network

Open Finder on your Mac computer. · Find the menu bar along the top of the screen. · Click Go and select Connect to Server. · Enter your DSM username and password.

在App Store 上的「DS file」

DS file 是管理DiskStation 檔案的理想工具,您可以在NAS 及iOS 裝置間上傳或下載檔案,或進行基本的編輯。透過HTTPS 支援,您可以安全地完成這些操作。除了檔案管理,DS ...

從區域網路中的Mac 電腦儲存檔案

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透過Windows 檔案總管或Mac Finder 存取Synology NAS 上 ...

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SynologyDrive.Version5.1.4.Privatecloudforsharing,synchronizing,andmanagingfiles.,*YoumustownaSynologyNAStorunthisapp,andberunningDSM6.2onyourSynologyNAStogetthecompletesetoffeatures*DSfileisidealtomanage ...,DSfileisidealtomanagefilesstoredonyourDiskStation,uploadordownloadbetweentheNASandtheiDeviceitself,ordobasiceditingtasks.Andalways ...,DSfileisidealtomanagefilesstoredonyourDiskStation,up...